AutoCAD Map 3D

AutoCAD Map 3D

Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D, model-based infrastructure planning and management software, provides broad access to CAD and GIS data, helping users to make more-informed planning, design and management decisions.

With AutoCAD Map 3D software, you can access and use CAD and GIS data from a range of sources. With comprehensive gas, water, wastewater and electric industry data models, you can more easily organise disparate asset information and apply industry standards and business requirements.

AutoCAD Map 3D incorporate GIS topology with AutoCAD so you can use and maintain CAD and GIS data for planning, design and data management.

  • Create, maintain and communicate mapping and GIS information within the AutoCAD drawing environment.
  • Use task-based tools to manage GIS data and aggregate it with design data.
  • Access spatial data stored in files, databases and web services.
  • Use standard data schema, automated business workflows and report templates for Electric North America, Electric Europe, Water, Wastewater and Gas industries.

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