Training needs Analysis

Do you know the skill level and needs of your designers?

Support your designers to become more productive and learn new skills

Symetri’s Training Needs Analysis helps to measure your engineers’ competencies and skill set. All the findings from the analysis will be documented and presented in a detailed report highlighting the current skill level and a proposed customised training programme to help you understand how users could become more productive and learn new skills.

The report is created following interviews with all the employees who currently use Autodesk design software. They will be asked a series of pre-designed questions and carry out a skills assessment on the software so we can assess their knowledge and abilities.

Each employee is then given a proposal for a tailored training programme to ensure they reach the desired skill level. This will also help you identify anyone in the team who has the potential to become a ‘SuperUser’.

In addition, the analysis report will show a Return on Investment (ROI) if all training is completed, giving you a timescale of when you can expect to recoup your initial outlay through large productivity gains.

The Training needs Analysis will give you:

  • A detailed report with a current skill level analysis and proposed customised training programme
  • Each employee receives a proposal for a tailored training programme
  • ROI calculation