Business Process Analysis

How to kick-start the optimisation of your business performance?

The lean approach including people, technology and processes

To optimize your business performance you need to have a good understanding of your current status and establish a clear strategy for where you are heading. If you are looking for external help to analyze your current status and adopt best practices to move forward, Symetri’s consultants and industry experts can support you.

Symetri’s Business Process Analysis will be tailored to your needs, depending on your company’s current situation and size. The analysis can involve any department (people, processes and technology), from design to finance, within your organization

 The analysis from Symetri is based on lean philosophy, taking into account processes, technology and people.

How will you benefit from the Business Process Analysis?

  • Insight into your company's current situation through interviews and knowledge sharing.
  • Proposals on how your company can optimize business performance
  • Next steps plan and proposed timeframe.
  • Face to face presentation to go through the results
  • Documentation of all the above proposals