Product Data Management (PDM)

Improve your competitive advantage

Are you looking to improve the quality and management of the product data in your company?

Efficient management of engineering data is essential for a company to improve its efficiency and competitiveness.

Having the right Product Data Management (PDM) software and software in place will help you organize, manage and track data creation, simulation and documentation processes for design and engineering workgroups within your company.

Today’s 3D CAD solutions consist of complex file hierarchies with internal dependencies between the design files. The complexity is further increased by various generators that create files and internal references. Managing all this in different design scenarios and change processes is crucial. Only Autodesk Vault Workgroup and Professional can provide full support for all design data and internal file links resulting from Autodesk Design Solutions. We have even enhanced the superior functionality of Autodesk Vault with our SOVELIA technology, which adds a number of features that significantly increase the efficiency of design data management.


What can you achieve with the right Product Data Management (PDM) software?

  • Track and manage all changes to product-related data
  • Spend less time organizing, finding and tracking design data
  • Improve productivity through reuse of design data
  • Enhance collaboration
  • Protect and back up intellectual data
  • Better design quality
  • Automatic change order management
  • Support for concurrent engineering
  • Central data storage with automatic and monitored backup