Simulation CFD - Essentials

This course will introduce you to Autodesk CFD and will cover workflows based on best practices to help you, set up and analyse results with confidence. The course will go through various examples to illustrate the different functionalities and applications including pressure drop analysis, heat transfer and internal/external fluid flow analysis.

Course content for Autodesk CFD - Essentials

  • Learn the most common features of CFD User Interface 
  • Learn how to create Fluid volumes both internally and externally 
  • Discover how to setup materials including filters, fans and fluid types 
  • Learn about different mesh settings in regions and advanced settings 
  • Discover how to setup solve settings including turbulence models 
  • Learn how to define and set up mesh adaption for mesh independent results 
  • Learn different tools to analyse CFD results including setting up planes and traces 
  • Learn about different industrial applications 

NOTE! Pricing is in local currency,

£790 / participant
€950 / participant

9450 NOK / participant
9750 SEK / participant

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