CQFlexMon - Software Licence Monitoring Tool

CQFlexMon - Software Licence Monitoring Tool

Software licence monitoring tool to help understand licence usage and take control of your licence portfolio

Keep track of what software is being used within your company, how often and for how long with CQFlexMon

Symetri have developed a software licence monitoring tool, CQFlexMon, to provide businesses with control and visibility across all of your licences—from Autodesk, to Microsoft, to any other vendor product that runs an executable file. CQFlexMon helps you track and monitor licence usage to control costs and manage vendor licence compliance and identify any problems that may be hidden within your software portfolio.

What are the benefits of software licence monitoring?


A quick graphical overview of your licence portfolio, showing who is using each licence and where the licences are installed; with quick-look tabulations for further analysis.

Cost Optimisation

Verify the usage rate of each asset to ensure controlled distribution of available licences within your company, avoiding unnecessary expenditure and minimising the costs of unused licences or collections.


Make sure the right licences are available to those who need them; know which users may have borrowed licences and ensure they are returned.


Software licence monitoring ensures that the installed software meets the vendor’s licencing terms.

Accurate Cross-Charging

Find out the direct licencing cost for those actually using them, such as a user, unit, department or project and ensure precise cost capture and internal debiting.

Would you like to discuss software licence monitoring?

Book an appointment with us to discuss your requirements by calling us on 0345 370 1444 or complete the form below.

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FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT CQFLEXMON Read our blogs and case studies, or watch our short videos and on-demand webinars. FIND OUT MORE

Which software can we monitor?

Software licence monitoring with CQFlexmon, can help you monitor any executable file. Here are some of our most monitored software we support:

  • Autodesk Software
  • Microsoft 365
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • SketchUp Pro
  • Rhino
  • Bluebeam Revu
  • https://www.symetri.co.uk/products/?q=ideate

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Svensk Kärnbränslehantering (SKB) is working on one of Sweden’s largest and most important environmental protection projects. Its mission is to safely dispose of all radioactive waste from Swedish nuclear power plants. Regardless of the future of nuclear power, existing nuclear waste must be dealt with in the short and long term to protect people and the environment. This is SKB’s mission.

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NIS Limited is an engineering organisation providing bespoke, and pragmatic, design and manufacturing services to a range of clients across a broad range of markets. The services that NIS provides include aluminium welding, mechanical handling plant and equipment, nuclear glovebox containment, research and development test rigs, special purpose machines, automated assembly lines and cells, the integration, tooling and programming of robots, and fabrication.

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Case AFRY: CAD license management at a global engineering company

We had the pleasure to talk with Martin Quist, CAD manager Corporate IT at AFRY (ÅF & Pöyry). In the video he shared the kind of challenges have they overcome and how are they handling the software that 8500-9000 frequent users globally need access to.

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Etteplan improves the utilisation rate and cost monitoring of its engineering software with CQFlexMon

Do the right people have the right tools, and are the cost allocations going to the right team? In a large engineering company, managing several engineering software solutions is challenging without a good monitoring system.

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Today, more than 500 different licence servers worldwide are monitored by CQFlexMon with information retrieved from more than 100,000 computers.

Contact us

Please submit your enquiry here and a member of our team will get in touch.
Alternatively call 0345 370 1444

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