Standardised methods and design automation save time at IV Produkt

IV Produkt

As one of Sweden’s most successful suppliers of air handling units, it is important to always be at the forefront of product development and to have a design department that works in a way that is as standardised and efficient as possible.

The investment in improved methods and automation of recurring tasks has resulted in significant time savings for IV Produkt’s designers. With a goal of 1 billion SEK in turnover in 2020, the company needed to make its processes more efficient. One step on the way was to review the working methods of all the designers to achieve common rules and ways of workings so that everyone can work in the same way and understand each other’s models more easily.

“Our methods handbook has brought many advantages. It has made us more efficient and saved valuable time that can be used for product development, and our designers can easily use the handbook if they are unsure about anything, such as how to get a number series from the business system. It is also excellent support for new employees and consultants.” Björn Hedin, CAD Manager at IV Produkt.


  • The Design Department worked in different ways
  • Need to make time-consuming and recurring tasks more efficient 


  • All designers trained in standardised methods
  • Methods handbook
  • Product configurator


  • Work more efficiently and according to the same rules
  • Save valuable time that can be used for product development
  • Easier to work in each other’s design drawings and reuse designs
  • The product configurator speeds up the design process enormously and frees up valuable engineer time

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