Working Towards A Net Zero, Carbon Neutral Future

Symetri strongly believes in sustainability and are always looking for new ways to improve energy-efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Our research has given us insights into how we can empower businesses to make more informed decisions about the impact their choices have on the environment - enabling us to create a better future for everyone together.

We focus on helping Construction and Manufacturing industries minimise their environmental impact by utilising technology and industry knowledge to decrease the Carbon Footprint of Buildings and Products, and achieve Net Zero targets.

Our highly experienced Construction and Manufacturing experts can help integrate sustainable design, build and operational strategies and leverage digital workflows to reduce cost and embodied carbon emissions in everyday processes.

Work smarter and more sustainably

The demand in the Architecture, Engineering, Infrastructure and Construction industry is driven by increased urbanisation and the need for architects, engineers and designers to design and construct buildings in a more efficient and sustainable way. Reducing energy consumption in new and existing buildings remains a high priority, along with decreasing environmental impacts related to building materials and process, as well as reduction of waste.

The drive for optimised Product Design, Manufacturing and Product Lifecycle Management comes from customer efforts to develop long-lasting sustainable products with good economic performance over complete lifecycles. Regulatory standards for comprehensive traceability and optimisation of operational and embodied carbon are also driving the development.

Symetri supports your Sustainability journey

Symetri’s Decarbonisation offering helps the Construction and Manufacturing industries to reduce embodied and operational carbon emissions. Our highly experienced technology experts help to integrate sustainable design and build strategies and leverage digital manufacturing workflows to reduce costs and increase buildability into everyday processes.

We invest in our own technology development constantly to innovate and create solutions to support decarbonisation of Construction and Manufacturing industries.



Symetri is a global partner of One Click LCA, the world’s leading Building Lifecycle Assessment software, helping customers to address the lifecycle impact of buildings and building materials, to achieve green building certifications and meet regulations.




Decarbonisation potential is the largest at the early stages of a project. Together with Symetri's technology partners, we provide essential tools for the early-stage planning to support carbon-smart decisions related to site planning and building materials from optimising building design, focusing on efficient energy use, using low carbon and durable materials and more.



At Symetri, we actively monitor industry trends and the future needs of our customers. Alongside researchers and industry experts, we explore the needs of our industry and society to understand new ways to support our customers on their sustainability journey. Through our Creation and Innovation practice, we look into the possibilities of turning these ideas into software tools and services that can help the industry and our customers reach their sustainability targets.

Symetri's Sustainable Development Goals

Symetri supports organisations in their sustainability efforts through the use of international standards and initiatives such as the 2030 Challenges, the Built Environment Declare, and aligning with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030. 

Symetri, with Addnode Group regards these six SDGs as most relevant to our business, and where we have the greatest opportunity to make an impact.

Key Sustainability Terms


The process of reducing and compensating carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from human activity in the atmosphere

Carbon footprint

The greenhouse gases (GHG) that are generated by our actions resulting in global warming potential (GWP). Known as Building Carbon Footprint, it is related to greenhouse gases generated over a building’s lifetime through its construction, operation and demolition.

GHG - Greenhouse Gas

Gases in the atmosphere which trap the heat. The main GHGs are water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).


Heat absorbed by any greenhouse gas in the atmosphere; measures how much energy the emissions of one ton of any greenhouse gas will absorb over the period of time relative emissions of one ton of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Embodied Carbon

Emissions related to materials and construction processes throughout the entire lifecycle of the building.

Operational carbon

Carbon generated over the operation phase of the building by heating, electricity, ventilation, air conditioning, etc.

Net Zero

Refers to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere by carbon storages like oceans and forests.

LCA - Lifecycle assessment

A science-based methodology for quantifying the lifetime environmental impacts of a building (Building LCA) or product (Product LCA).

EPD - Environmental Product Declaration

Declaration of the environmental impact of a product over the lifetime. Public EPDs are 3rd party verified providing creditable and neutral assessment of the products.

Insights to Sustainability



Want to find out how you can work towards a net zero, carbon neutral future? 

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