
Innovation meets vision.

At Symetri, we are closely following industry trends and anticipating the future needs of our customers. Our dedicated team works in partnership with researchers and specialists to understand the future requirements of our industry and society. Through our Co-Innovation practice, we transform these insights into innovative solutions, helping the industry and our customers achieve their sustainability goals and adapt to urbanization challenges.

As a collaborative R&D team, our Co-Innovation practice partners with other organizations to create new products, services, and processes. We prioritize sustainable solutions that address the evolving needs of our customers and the communities we serve. By driving innovation and growth through an integrated digital delivery approach, our aim is to address societal needs, regulatory requirements, and operational resilience. By working smarter, we aim to fuel progress and help our customers stay ahead of the innovation curve.

Driving Impact through Innovation

We use Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) as a driving force to create positive change through our Co-Innovation practices by  delivering innovative solutions for our customers.

UN goal:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Symetri's Co-Innovation practice facilitates impact through:

We prioritize health and well-being by optimizing processes, promoting open communication, and adopting good practices and frameworks. We leverage digital twin technology to create and operate green environments that promote health and well-being in the construction and manufacturing industries. Our expertise enable our customers to design, build, and operate sustainable spaces that benefit both people and the planet.

UN goal:

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Symetri's Co-Innovation practice facilitates impact through:

We promote gender equality in all aspects of our work, from team assembly to project completion. We aim to close the gender gap by offering equal opportunities, promoting digital literacy and online safety for all genders, and closing the digital divide for minorities. We also build relevant digital skills and support female leadership in tech to enhance women's access to technology.

UN goal:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Symetri's Co-Innovation practice facilitates impact through:

We are committed to supporting SMEs by providing access to our expertise and resources, and by collaborating on initiatives that can help these businesses grow and succeed. We believe that by supporting SMEs, we can help to boost local economies, create jobs, and foster a more sustainable future for all. With our Co-Innovate Practices, we are well-positioned to make a real impact on the world and help drive positive change across industries and communities.

UN goal:

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Symetri's Co-Innovation practice facilitates impact through:

We prioritize sustainability to drive innovation. Our solutions help manufacturing and construction industries achieve sustainable design, build and operation. We guide organizations in adopting sustainable digital practices to modernize global infrastructure. We also support education, implementation, development, and collaboration on grants.

UN goal:

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Symetri's Co-Innovation practice facilitates impact through:

We help the industry create sustainable, human-centric cities by using the latest technology in business and BIM processes. Our approach includes incorporating sustainable practices in buildings and unlocking more BIM uses for inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable environments. We also support education, implementation, development, and grant collaboration.

UN goal:

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Symetri's Co-Innovation practice facilitates impact through:

At Symetri, we're committed to combatting climate change by making sustainability a priority in our innovation process and integrating it into all our services. We use digital tools for complex modeling and analysis to address all aspects of sustainability, including reducing carbon emissions and water usage. Our digital innovation also helps us collaborate internationally on sustainability standards for green data, networks, and processes.


At Symetri, we believe that collaboration is key to driving meaningful change in the construction and manufacturing industries. Our Co-Innovation practice is built on the foundation of diverse partnerships with research entities, industry experts, and customers to co-create sustainable solutions that meet future industry needs. By combining the expertise and resources of multiple stakeholders, we develop cutting-edge products, services, and processes that make a real impact. We invite you to join us on our mission to advance the construction and manufacturing industries through collaboration. Our approach is to leverage collective expertise to co-create innovative solutions, publish research papers, and drive progress forward.


Digital transformation plays a crucial role in what Symetri's Co-Innovation team does. Our Co-innovation practice empowers organizations to achieve their digital transformation (DX) objectives through innovation and collaboration. We work closely with organizations to develop a customized strategy that leverages the latest technology and innovation to drive growth and achieve organizational objectives. Our Co-Innovation practice brings together a cross-functional team to co-create innovative digital solutions that capitalize on emerging market opportunities and keep you ahead of the curve. By combining the expertise and resources of multiple stakeholders, we develop cutting-edge solutions that make a real impact.


At Symetri, we believe that data-driven decision-making is crucial for success in today's rapidly changing market. Our Co-Innovation team is committed to exploring the potential impact of business intelligence on digital transformation, sustainability, and urbanization. We stay ahead of the curve by keeping up with the latest developments in digital technologies and Industry 4.0. Our goal is to guide the industry towards a more sustainable and equitable future while helping our customers to meet the needs of the future. By providing valuable insights and recommendations, we aim to optimize operations, reduce waste, improve resource utilization, and increase efficiency, ultimately driving growth through data-driven decisions.

Symetri's Co-Innovation practice making an impact

Autodesk's most impactful Sustanability Win

Maternal Healthcare center in Koidu, Sierra Leone

Symetri partnered with Build Health International (BHI) and the Autodesk Foundation in 2020 to design and build a Maternal Healthcare Center in Koidu, Sierra Leone. Our Co-Innovate Practices used technology and support from the Autodesk Foundation to create a replicable workflow for optimizing energy and resource efficiency.

The result is an improved healing environment for patients at the Maternal Healthcare Center, where better comfort and dignity are ensured. Our innovative solution offers lasting benefits for BHI facilities.

Working together, as a dedicated team acting as one; Symetri humbly was awarded for Autodesk The Most Impactful Sustainability Win in 2022.

Article by EAM Strategy Consultant, Dr. Eve Lin.

Informed Path To Net Zero: From Building Design to Operation

Today, buildings are responsible for nearly 40 percent of annual global GHG emissions. Therefore, reducing carbon emissions in buildings is one of the most-urgent objectives in combating global climate change and a major goal for the infrastructure industry. GHG’s impact in this sector is driven by building materials and operating energy consumption—essentially embodied and operational carbon.

This article introduces roadmaps with various toolsets, including standards and workflows to enable carbon and performance tracking for sequences in each stage.

By Architecture Solutions Specialist Luc Wing and Head of Impact and Innovation Lead Shivani Soni.

Using Connected Data To Reduce Carbon Impacts

Achieving ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emission mitigation goals in the building sector is essential to limiting global warming. It means reducing global energy and CO2-based emissions by 60% by 2050 compared with 2012. Accomplishing this goal requires firms to assess their regional challenges. 

Climate emergency and urbanization are pushing firms for example in the Southwest region in US to embrace innovative processes for designing more resilient, sustainable structures. Bioclimatic architectural processes take advantage of environmental conditions to build more sustainably. New research can provide designs that deliver maximum comfort while minimizing energy consumption. But to be truly net-zero, companies must also address both operational and embodied carbon and how it relates to the materials they select.

Shivani Soni

Shivani Soni

Head of Impact and Innovation
Mikko Viertola

Mikko Viertola

Chief Technology Officer