Symetri & Engineers without borders Sweden partnership 2023

Since 2019 Symetri has been an Engineers Without Borders Sweden partner, supporting their mission of Engineering for Humanity and sponsoring several projects. In 2023 the focus will be on strengthening children's right to education through water access and sanitation.

“The work Engineers Without Borders Sweden do is very relevant to our areas of expertise at Symetri, with projects to both build sustainable, smart solutions, as well as educate and inspire within the IT and engineering fields. It’s a great fit for us so we are very happy to continue our partnership with them, and support them both financially and with resources if possible,“ says Anders Jacobsson, COO of Symetri Europe. 

Symetri has collaborated with EWB-SWE on several projects including Engineer to Engineer, Solar panels for Community Center in Gashora and most recently Water Supply Chonyonyo

“Our partnership with Symetri has been instrumental in realizing projects in Rwanda and Tanzania. We are grateful for their continued commitment toward our mission and look forward to creating even more impact together and for the communities we engage with”, said Noemie Gonzalez, Head of Corporate Partnerships at EWB-SWE. 

With the Water Supply Chonyonyo project concluded in the fall of 2022, the next focus project for Symetri and EWB-SWE’s collaboration will be to strengthen children’s right to education by improving access to WASH possibilities at public primary schools in Karagwe, Tanzania.

About the project:

Limited and unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene services have major consequences on children´s health, development and learning opportunities. The local aid organization Mavuno and EWB-SWE have worked together for over ten years in Karagwe, Tanzania, to strengthen children’s right to education by improving access to WASH possibilities at public primary schools. Through access to safe and reliable water, sanitation and hygiene, they aim to increase children’s school presence and health, with specific attention to girls and cascading effects on the local communities.

With experience from their previous work in the region, the expansion of their activities now includes the construction of rainwater tanks at 4 schools, 15 ecosan toilets at 10 schools and hygiene and menstruation room units at 3 schools, as well as piloting methods for purifying water at 4 schools. 

These actions are expected to strengthen health, school presence and results for 15 996 children and 225 teachers, leading to 80 more hours in school for children daily thanks to construction of water tanks and 5 025 hours more per year for girls thanks to the hygiene and menstruation rooms.


Supporting colleagues and customers to make a difference

30 January 2023

Lotta Järvi is Head of Marketing for Symetri Technology unit at Symetri Group, currently working on taking our proprietary solutions into new territories. At the same time, Lotta and her team continue to help existing customers to work smarter and provide their Symetri colleagues the support they need to add meaningful value for customers.

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Listen | Understand | Share — Cecilia Hermansson

21 October 2022

As manager of Symetri’s AEC Consultant team in Sweden, Cecilia Hermansson is occupied every day with coordinating a diverse group of experienced individuals, with a wide range of skills, to ensure that no customer requirement is ever less than superbly exceeded.

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