New OUH (Odense University Hospital)

The advantages of BIM with classification of data

The construction of New OUH is the largest hospital construction in Denmark to this date. The central digital BIM tool is Naviate Nexus, which is used to create a uniform data structure with full transparency of models, structural elements and phases in the construction. All building data and object properties is integrated into the Facility Management system and all building parts and their codes are found with just a few clicks.

The advantages of BIM with classification of data

To achieve a central overview and control while constructing the new university hospital in Odense New OUH presents a clear BIM-strategy:

A common data structure, a uniform digital exchange and the automatic coding and structuring of thousands of building parts.

When the hospital is complete in 2023 it will be the largest newly build hospital with its 320 000 m2 situated near Odense (the home town of famous author H.C. Andersen). The project group "New OUH" is in charge of the BIM model and uses twelve softwares for design, construction and facility management, which need to speak together. They use CCS/CCi classification as a common language in all the softwares and Naviate Nexus as the central hub for classification of all objects. 

New OUH have fifthteen different sub-projects and many contractors (who speak different languages), which is another reason for using classified objects. Naviate Nexus simplify the flow of data and ensure that all the different contractors speak the same language. All data is synchronised in the Nexus Portal, and they can process the data between sub-projects by syncing it up and down in the models, documents and files. Once you have agreed on a common standard like Co-Class or CCi each object will be linked. OUH wants to avoid the actors working in their own silos.



We use CCS classification as a common language in all the softwares used on the project as we want to communicate data in the same way. On OUH we can use the classification ID codes to track down the component, which is of huge value on a project of this scale. All data is synchronised in a cloud solution and accessible for all, which helps us keep time schedules and budget.
Chris Vang
Chris Vang
BIM/ICT Coordinator, New OUH project group

With this clear BIM-strategy OUH minimize the risk of errors and delays, higher costs and waste. Naviate Nexus is the mandatory, digital tool as it allows New OUH to manage the project with complete insight and overview. It also allows for full transparency to all project participant with regards to classification standards and building object. This provides much higher data quality thereby ensuring accurate project material and have a great impact on financial control in all stages.

The building and infrastructure industry needs good data to reap the benefits of BIM in terms of cost reduction, productivity gains and efficiency improvements and New OUH is two steps ahead.



Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset

01 October 2020

Design thinking is looking at a problem we want to tackle with a growth mindset. We focus on the present, look at outside information for help and learn from our customers. We cannot rely only on data for results as innovation is driven by customer focus and empathy and a new approach to thinking.

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