Challenge. Impact. Grow.


Som betroet partner ser vi det som vores vigtigste opgave at give vores kunder optimale betingelser for at kunne arbejde smartere og mere effektivt.

Vi er altid interesserede i dygtige og engagerede medarbejdere, der kan styrke Symetris forretningsområder. Nedenfor kan du læse mere om vores ledige stillinger.


Hos Symetri betragter vi hver ny dag som en mulighed for at gøre en forskel. Vi opmuntrer dig til at udfordre dig selv og inspirere dine kolleger og vores kunder til at arbejde smartere både lokalt og globalt. Netop fordi vi konstant udfordrer os selv, er Symetri i stand til at udvikle sig som virksomhed og leve op til kravene i en branche, der aldrig står stille.


Kunne du tænke dig, at dit arbejde havde reel indflydelse på verden omkring dig? Hos Symetri kommer du til at gøre en forskel for dine kunder, dine kolleger og ikke mindst dig selv. Du får de arbejdsredskaber og den fleksibilitet, der er forudsætningen for en tilfredsstillende balance mellem arbejde og fritid.


For Symetri er vækst afgørende. Vores banebrydende teknologier skaber vækst hos vores kunder, fordi de kan overkomme mere med færre ressourcer. Hos Symetri opmuntrer vi dig til at udvikle dine personlige færdigheder, så du kan være med til at styrke vores virksomhed, kunder, medarbejdere og altså ikke mindst dig selv. Vi ønsker, at din personlige udvikling er med til at styrke Symetris vækst og succes.




Vi har stora planer att växa i Sverige de kommande åren och därför förstärker vi nu vårt industriteam och söker dig med erfarenhet av lösningsförsäljning inom B2B. I denna spännande och dynamiska tjänst kommer du arbeta med uppsökande lösningsförsälj ...

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QA Engineer till Symetri Tech

Nu har du chansen att få vara med och utveckla framtidens applikationer som hjälper våra över 100 000 användare inom industri och bygg att effektivisera sina arbetsflöden och jobba smartare.

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No vacancies? We're always looking for new talent!
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Vi har stora planer att växa i Sverige de kommande åren och därför förstärker vi nu vårt industriteam och söker dig med erfarenhet av lösningsförsäljning inom B2B. I denna spännande och dynamiska tjänst kommer du arbeta med uppsökande lösningsförsälj ...

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QA Engineer till Symetri Tech

Nu har du chansen att få vara med och utveckla framtidens applikationer som hjälper våra över 100 000 användare inom industri och bygg att effektivisera sina arbetsflöden och jobba smartare.

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No vacancies? We're always looking for new talent!
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There are currently no vacancies available in the Ireland.
We're always looking for new talent!
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My work in a number of different areas, with so many diversely talented colleagues is very fulfilling and it means I wake up every day ready for testing out my comfort zone. That’s what I call loving your job.
Lotta Järvi
Lotta Järvi
Head of Marketing, Symetri Technology
I feel that every person in Symetri is like a power-house of capability because we all have the combined, global talent of the entire company behind us; an ‘ecosystem’ you can call on to share and problems whenever you feel that finding the perfect solution may be just beyond your own comfort zone.
Cecilia Hermansson
Cecilia Hermansson
AEC Consultant Manager, Sweden
This feeling at Symetri that we can all do better and that we will all do better is something that’s never turned off. You can call it ‘collective dynamism’. Everybody’s hungry to learn. Part of my job is about training the team, and taking good care of their career progress, but I’m also learning all the time.
Nickie Vilmer
Nickie Vilmer
Team Leader, Customer Operations, Nordics
I’m in the right place here at Symetri because the atmosphere within the company is encouraging and stimulating. To be with and among Symetri people is a sheer pleasure. This gives a sense of magic to the place and it’s one that our customers pick up on
Craig Snell
Craig Snell
Support and Training Manager, UK
After two decades of being with Symetri, that feeling that there’s always a fresh challenge just around the corner never goes away. What’s even more exciting is that our collective ability to create the fresh approach to, and solution for, each new challenge is what constantly defines the value we bring as a team to our customers.
Jan Tore Bugge
Jan Tore Bugge
Global Product Manager, Naviate
The amount I learned over the three years I’ve worked with Symetri—particularly around the value of collaboration and communication with clients—has been amazing. Every day is different. I always need to adapt, think on my feet, and find solutions that really help clients."
Tom Rudge
Tom Rudge
Digital Construction Consultant, UK
There is a good team spirit at Symetri, and I like it when we all come together for kick-offs. There is a great sense of community. Working at Symetri it’s easy to get heard and it’s possible to grow and get more experience and responsibility.
Jeanett Brosch
Jeanett Brosch
Customer Development Manager, Denmark
At Symetri, we are provided with the opportunity to investigate areas of interest and try and break the boundaries! We are not limited, or micromanaged and we are given the opportunity to work on projects that we are passionate about, and this only increases your thirst for knowledge. I think this approach is really important to let ideas and workflows flourish
Bettool Jabur
Bettool Jabur
Senior Consultant, UK
Courage and change are core values at Symetri so there’s usually always something new going on. If I need a challenge, I can always get one, and whatever come next I’m sure it will be fun!
Tomas Lindgren
Tomas Lindgren
Team leader, Construction, Sweden
Something I really enjoy at Symetri is that even though our team is small the company is huge! If you have questions there is always someone who has that knowledge, and everybody is super supportive.
Timo Raunio
Timo Raunio
Trainer & Consultant, Finland
I think there is a light-heartedness at Symetri. We can be serious of course but still playful in some way which gives a lot of energy.
Andreas Näsman
Andreas Näsman
Manufacturing Sales Manager, Sweden
Since Cadassist joined Symetri our portfolio has grown immensely. Both the breadth and the depth of what we can cover now is really exciting. We can virtually say yes to anything a customer needs, which is great. What’s also exciting is to experience all that expertise first-hand. It makes me proud to be part of the company.
Gordon McGlathery
Gordon McGlathery
Training Solutions Consultant , UK
I really like my job but it’s also important to have great working culture and colleagues. So that I feel happy to go to work every day, meet my colleagues and feel respected. It’s crucial that everyone is treated equally and that everyone’s opinion matters. I feel like here people are willing to go the extra mile for others. It’s not just ‘me, me, me’, it’s really all about helping each other and doing things together.
Niina Ahtiainen
Niina Ahtiainen
Sales Manager, Finland
When I started, I didn’t know much about this industry, but I was given the room to grow. I started with courses and now I’m also managing quite large companies and have been given that trust. That’s so important for me, to get new opportunities.
Margrethe Overn
Margrethe Overn
Account Manager, Norway


Hos Symetri indgår alle i et tæt fællesskab med en fælles målsætning. Vi vil udfordre hinanden og vores kunder til at arbejde smartere mod en bedre fremtid. Passion, teamwork, mod og forandring – det er vores fire kerneværdier, og de går som en rød tråd gennem alt, vi foretager os. Vi betragter desuden diversitet, langsigtede relationer og respekt som fundamentale forudsætninger for Symetris succes.





Vi er stolte af det, vi gør, og tror på, at vi kan gøre en forskel. Vi er altid indstillet på at yde en ekstra indsats, og vi vil gerne have det sjovt sammen.



Vi spiller med åbne kort og støtter hinanden, og vi glæder os over fælles succeser. Vi er ansvarsbevidste og behandler alle med respekt og ærlighed.



Vi har modet til at gøre en forskel. Vi er innovative og initiativrige, og vi tør tage fat. Vi er modige, men aldrig arrogante eller blinde for risikofaktorer.



Vi byder forandringer velkommen, er åbne og fleksible. Hvis vi opdager et problem, gør vi noget ved det, og tager ansvar for at få forandringer til at fungere.


Lars Vrennhage

Lars Vrennhage

Human Resources